Thematic Investments Areas

Blue Economy
Impact Investing

Blue Economy

Covers economic activities that take place in the marine environment or that use sea resources as an input, as well as economic activities outside the marine environment that are involved in the production of goods or the provision of services that will contribute to those activities. They can also be land-based activities such as, for instance, micro-algae production and processing, land-based aquaculture, or similar.

Company tracks environmental changes & threats such as icecaps, icebergs in order to ensure safe passage of ships in the Arctic. Satellites follow maritime traffic, to prevent illegal fishing and ships transports in exclusive economic zones. It also monitors port activity to gain intelligence in the type of vessels that are visiting and obtaining information about wave heights, wind speeds and directions to improve efficiency and safety of maritime operations.

Hydrosat uses global temperature signatures to deliver insights into plant health. By doing so the solution supports water management and monitoring of global water cycle. Additionally it tracks temperature increase of seas and oceans which has an enormous impact on the ecosystem by affecting seaweed reproductive phenology and creating environmental for growth of toxic algae. Those changes impact on marine life and tourist sector in seaside areas.

Impact Investing

Means an investment approach aimed at generating social benefits to individual stakeholders and the society at large alongside a financial return to the investor. In doing so, impact investing considers social impact accruing to societal stakeholders as an investment objective at least at-par with the financial risk/return profile. The purpose of impact investing in enterprises hence is to support businesses whose business model seeks to generate an intentional and measurable positive impact alongside economic value, and which are managed in an accountable and transparent way.

Silent Eight reduces the financial crime exposure risk by billions of dollars each year by automation of the time-consuming KYC and AML processes. With AI technology solution solves alerts faster and with greater accuracy. It also prevents illegal transactions related to, among other: human trafficking or arms trade.

kevin. as a provider of an open banking payment infrastructure for online & offline transactions to merchants is a real alternative to credit card networks at minimal transaction fees. The system makes payment services accessible and affordable to individuals and businesses and increases financial inclusion.

The end-to-end solution that securely automates every step of loan life cycle, is tailored for any business of any size and covers full spectrum of loan products helps to increase the lending options for consumers and SMEs, making the market more inclusive, improving customer experiences inclusive and increasing digital availability.

The platform helps to reduce the footprint of the manufacturing supply chain through aggregation and production near end users which results in cleaner production, less transportation and less scrap. About 30% of jobs are fully automated, while the other 70% requires human agent’s involvement to advise customers.

Every year 2-3% of manual handling workers suffer a back or shoulder injury, which remains the most common workplace injury globally. Soter Analyticsprovides ergonomic injury prevention solution to detect and reduce hazardous movements of blue-collar workers that can lead to musculoskeletal disorders, and as such create safe working environment and improve wellbeing of the employees.

Ondato provides a complete compliance management suite in regard to Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Business (KYB) process purposes, including both photo and live video identity verification. The platform prevents two major risks in the age of digitalization: identity theft and extortions.

The solution supports agriculture innovations such as recording of soil changes, monitors natural catastrophes by Natural Catastrophe Response system & supports rescue action coordination. Satellites also monitor oil & gas pipelines to detect spills and prevent potential natural catastrophes.

Hydrosat by measurement of the global temperature provides new solution for the agribusiness and helps with analyses of plant health, crop yields and drought. The platform also tracks and verify potential fire risk of industrial activities and helps with prevention of mass fire and soil degradation.

Investing in technologies backing sustainable solutions


Prevention from cyberattacks on individuals, businesses and government infrastructure and data protection


Unlocking financial inclusion by reducing costs and democratizing access to capital domestically and internationally

SpaceTech & IOT

Key systems for measuring and tracking change on Earth to enable prevention and response to global crisis

SaaS & AI Automation

Transformation of the computing environments to replace tedious manual work and free inner creativity

Fund operations and activities

Gender balanced team with an equal ratio of female/male team members

Supporting start-ups led by diverse founders (~25% of portfolio companies)

8 out of 15 of our portfolio companies consciously support ESG initiatives