OTB Ventures partnered with VestBee and attended the CEE VC Summit 2023

OTB Ventures partnered with Vestbee for the year 2023 to contribute more in the vc ecosystem. We also attended the Vestbee CEE VC Summit 2023 in March. We were kindly welcomed by Konrad Koncerewicz before a quick meeting with our vc colleagues. Then, Ewa Chronowska kicked off the event with the summary of vc transactions in the CEE region šŸ“ˆ On Day 1, the first panel discussion of the event addressed the vintage year 2023, and was led by Marek Moravec, Founder & Managing Director atĀ Nation 1 VC. Is it a year of challenges, opportunities or both, for the CEE ecosystem in times when many VCs are currently fundraising or just recently closed a new fund? This question was picked up by OTB GP & Co-Founder Marcin Hejka who said "Difficult time does not mean the end of creation of technology and increase of adoption of technology". OTB argues that difficult times are the best times, do you? OTB Partner Wojtek Walniczek challenged the topic of portfolio governance and board dynamics on Day 2. Sincere thank you to his co-panelists: Tomas PacindaĀ Daniel TomovĀ Marcin Kurek See Marcin's answer addressing challenges and opportunities in 2023: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7046491546178719744

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